The world of bread !

In France, bakers are genuine artisans who never fail to impress: golden crusts, soft and fine crumb...The world of bread invites us on a passionate and delicious journey !

All of the different types of bread bear witness to an artisanal heritage, passed down through generations: from the dough mixing, the decisive moment when the baker mixes the ingredients, to the humidification of the oven so that the bread bakes without drying out...the key stages in the bread making process have remained the same and require a great deal of expertise.
The imaginative breads of the east of France, the brioches from the north, the Couronnes Bordelaises (bread rings) from the West, different types of Provence Fougasse bread from the south… There are more than a hundred different types of bread, each with varying recipes and regional traditions. Bread making truly is a know-how that is still very much alive and is constantly changing.

The “Fête du pain” bread festival! Every year in May, bread is celebrated for a week in the four corners of France. Present during every meal, it is one of the key ingredients on the French table and arguably one of the most reputed: talented cooks choose their breads with care, in harmony with the dishes on the menu.
Much to our pleasure, texture and taste vary from one type of bread to the next, and from one baker to the next: the more compact leavened or rustic breads, brown rye bread with seafood, its spicy variant for cheeses...and that's not forgetting the special breads (nuts, figs, olives) or white bread for aperitifs with toast.

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